Five Steps to Catch Up on Your Retirement Plan

Five Steps to Catch Up on Your Retirement Plan

Generation X is way behind when it comes to planning for retirement. On this week’s edition of the Buckeye Advisor, we will talk about five steps to catch up if you got a late start in your retirement planning. Plus, the Federal Reserve is not predicting a recession...

Are You Taking the Right Amount of Risk for Your Retirement?

Are You Taking the Right Amount of Risk for Your Retirement?

This week, Woody has tips for balancing risk and safety when it comes to your retirement plan. Plus, he talks about the latest interest rate hike and how Social Security checks will – or won’t – keep up with inflation next year. Is your money safe and protected? Are...

Does Your Retirement Plan Cost Too Much?

Does Your Retirement Plan Cost Too Much?

This week, Woody discusses how your retirement plan may be costing you too much in fees – and what to do if that’s the case. Plus, we go over how you can create your own personal pension and give yourself the retirement you have always dreamed of. Finally, we share...

If You Plan to Retire Soon – Do These Things First!

If You Plan to Retire Soon – Do These Things First!

For many people, planning for retirement can feel like a daunting task. On this week’s show, Woody shares some tips for you to plan properly for your golden years. Plus, consumer debt is at an all-time high in the United States. We discuss ways to keep yourself out of...

Answering Listener Questions about Money and Retirement

Answering Listener Questions about Money and Retirement

On this week’s show, we open up the listener mailbag and answer your questions! Inflation, Social Security, retirement income – no topic is off limits! Plus, how are rising prices affecting your travel plans this summer? We take a look at the numbers and give you some...

Avoiding Financial Burdens During Difficult Times

Avoiding Financial Burdens During Difficult Times

People often avoid tough conversations, especially when it comes to thinking about the loss of a spouse. But if you plan ahead now, you’ll have less financial burden down the road. We explain how taking steps today could save you a lot of trouble tomorrow. Plus, June...